Issue 1 | July 24, 2018
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Welcome to the #1 issue of the brand new AAI newsletter! We share news of our campaigns to help atheists, anywhere in the world, right to your inbox. To tell us what you think, or to share news from where you are, email me, John Richards at

Exciting CHANGES at AAI : Focus on Nigeria
President's Message
These are exciting times for Atheist Alliance International. The year long mission to revitalize our organization is nearly complete. We have new, efficient back-office systems, a new website and a YouTube channel. There will be a website relaunch soon.

Currently our focus is on Nigeria where our affiliate group, Humanist Association of Nigeria, led by Leo Igwe, is setting up groups in several Nigerian cities. I sent an audio welcome to be played at their inaugural meetings.

AAI is about to do battle with the Christian Governor of Akwo Ibom state, Udom Emmanuel, who has allocated public funds to the construction of an ‘International Worship Centre’ in direct violation of the Nigerian constitution.

Future editions of Secular World will focus on the Middle East, the religiously divided island of Cyprus and on our Critical Thinking Initiative in India.

You heard it all here first!

Gail Miller
Atheists Sue State Governor in Nigeria

What should atheists do when they find a State Governor is promoting a project to build an enormous 8,500-seat Christian worship centre and is contributing state funding?

This is happening now in Akwa Ibom state in Nigeria, a country with a Federal Constitution that explicitly mandates separation of religion and state. Our affiliate, the Atheist Society of Nigeria, instructed lawyers to write to Governor Udom Emmanuel, to demand the cessation of the project, and for the contributions made by the government to be publicly disclosed.

The Governor has failed to respond to either letter. So what next?

With AAI’s help, the Atheist Society of Nigeria will take the matter to court and let a Judge rule on the legality of the Governor’s involvement in this overtly religious project. This will be the first time in history that atheists have sued a state government in Nigeria and the ruling will be a crucial test case that will clarify the law and is likely to impact many other instances of state-religion entanglement across the country.

Click the link to read the full story and find out how you can help.

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Historic Humanist Meeting in Jos

The Humanist Association of Nigeria recorded another milestone in June: it successfully organized its first ever event in Northern Nigeria, which is a predominantly Muslim region. Sharia law is enforced in most of the states and clashes between Christians and Muslims are frequent. Boko Haram militants are active in the area.

The event, sponsored by the International Humanist and Ethical Union, was held in Jos, in Plateau State, and participants explored ways of tackling recurrent ethnoreligious conflicts and achieving peace and tolerance in the area. One of the attendees noted: "The truth is that our people are tired of these organized superstitions that are destroying their collective humanity, but they lack the platform to freely express themselves".

This program was a small but significant step towards realizing this aspiration. At the end of the program, the Plateau State Chapter of the Humanist Association of Nigeria was inaugurated. Similar meetings are planned in other parts of Nigeria in the coming months. In July, humanists will be meeting in Owerri to discuss how to combat superstitious beliefs and practices such as ritual murders and ‘witch’ persecution. Another humanist event is planned for Kaduna before the end of the year.

Pictured: Leo Igwe

PRESS release
“The Humanist Association of Nigeria (HAN) is deeply concerned over the persistent violent clashes between Islamic herdsmen and Christian farmers in Central Nigeria. The association condemns very strongly the killings in Plateau State that left over 100 people dead and several hundreds injured. It urges that the perpetrators be brought to justice.

HAN calls on the Buhari government to rise to the challenge of protecting the lives and property of all Nigerians and of enforcing of the rule of law without ethnic/religious fear or favor. We demand the overhauling of the state security, policing and intelligence agencies so that they can fulfill their constitutional duties without bias. HAN urges herdsmen, farmers and others in the affected regions to explore peaceful and non-violent means of resolving their differences.”

Leo Igwe, Mubarak Bala, Zacham Bayei, Andrew Nandip Paul
on behalf of Humanist Association of Nigeria
from the blog
Check out some of the most popular articles from our blog.
Ten common-sense questions every believer should ask
Ten simple questions that believers cannot answer. How would the world change if believers asked themselves these questions?
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Six things atheists do wrong
What's the secret to productive conversations with believers? Find out here. We list the six things atheists too often do wrong, and explain how to put them right.
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How atheists INDOCTRINATE their kids
Religions survive through indoctrination of kids. But what about atheists, do they indoctrinate their kids too?
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Your inner caveman revealed
Why do so many of us still believe in gods, magic, and superstitions when such beliefs have been superseded and thoroughly discredited? It's our inner caveman talking.
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Movers & shakers
New Director, Aon Sami, a Jordanian atheist and social media activist. His duties will include producing a version of this newsletter in Arabic.

Marci Russo, an Australian-based graphic artist and layout designer.
Director Eduardo Feliz Arias, a secular activist based in Portugal. Eduardo will continue to write for us.

IT Director, Sam Khangyi leaves the board but he'll stay in touch. 

Webmaster Circle Lo who has managed our website very efficiently.
John Richards moves from Affiliates Director to Publications Director. His duties include producing Secular World, AAI Insider and celebrity video interviews.

Rustam Singh moves from editing Secular World to leading our Critical Thinking Initiative in Central India.
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How you can help
We work to combat discrimination against atheists and to make the world a safer and more rational place for everyone. We support, fund and advise on campaigns around the world to defend atheists and resist the encroachment of religious dogma into public policy. You can help by sharing this email to your friends, or even better, by becoming a member.
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NOTE: We have a completely new website and membership system so, if you once had an AAI account, please just create a new account.

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