Issue 11 | Aug 18, 2019
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(Picture credit: Dpbsmith, CC BY-SA 3.0)

There are several small victories to report this month, at least in the ‘Western world’.
  • One of the most harmful sects, Christian Scientists, (you may have seen their Reading Rooms in cities around the world) is in serious decline. Why is it harmful? Because they deny medicine in favor of prayer as the cure for all ills. Many children have been needlessly allowed to die. At the beginning of the 1980s, there were almost 2000 Christian Science churches in the USA, but now the number is about 1000. This is progress in the right direction.
  • In London, a non-believer who applied to join Greenwich Council’s Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) and was initially refused on the grounds of being non-religious, has had her application approved after the Council was threatened with court action for violation of Human Rights.
  • And, in Oxford, some parents have launched a High Court bid against Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust (ODST) to challenge their decision to hold a daily act of Christian worship without an inclusive alternative of “equal educational worth”. Yes, unbelievably, the UK, a country that recently polled 52% non-believers, still has an un-revoked ancient law requiring schools to hold a Christian assembly every morning! Most schools ignore it but the creeping tide of faith schools use it as justification to indoctrinate our children. We support all attempts to make the UK a properly secular country.
Things are much worse in theocracies outside of the ‘Western world’ and immigrants often bring their religion with them. There is a great need for rational education. Please consider setting up an atheist group in your country - AAI can help you to get established.

To tell us what you think, or to share news from where you are, email me, John Richards at
president's message

Nothing’s ever easy, especially when it involves lawyers! As our vice president, Bill Flavell, tells in the article below and in the linked articles on our website, the case against Governor Emmanuel’s unconstitutional actions rumbles on… Unfortunately, ‘rumbling on’ means costing more. As the video interview between our Publications Director, John Richards, and Nigerian Facebook group owner Amaka Rea (linked below) reveals, Nigeria needs some heavy lifting to rescue it from the grip of religion. If we could make an example of Emmanuel’s behavior, maybe better attention will be applied to the constitution in future and, who knows, perhaps the real meaning of secularism will become understood. Please consider donating towards this worthy cause.

In housekeeping news, we have some exciting new applicants for Directorships. I will be able to report on any appointments next month but we still have no-one for the Fundraising position. If you know of anyone suitable for this post, please get in touch.

President Gail Miller


Suing Nigerian State Governor — The Verdict

[Photo: ASN officers at Uyo awaiting the judgment. Front row from left to right: Isaiah Akorita (Public Relations Officer); Freeborn Amadi (Secretary); Opadeyi Adebayo (President)]

The case brought by the Atheist Society of Nigeria (ASN) against the Governor of Akwa Ibom state in Nigeria came to a conclusion on Friday, July 26th when Chief Justice Godwin Abraham handed down his judgment. The Chief Justice dismissed the case.

No one thought battling the Christian establishment in Nigeria would be easy but the judge's decision ignored evidence and invented legal criteria from thin air.

From the outset, the avowedly-religious Judge showed disdain for the atheists seeking this important clarification of the Nigerian Constitution. By ignoring the evidence in front of him, he found ASN had no standing to bring the case. See Part I of the case here.

Once the judge had ruled that ASN lacked standing, the court had no jurisdiction to hear the case but the judge decided to hear the case anyway! He wrongly concluded that Nigeria is not a secular state and that nothing Akwa Ibom state had done amounted to adopting Christianity as the state religion.
See Part II of this travesty of justice here.

Then, breaking with convention for this type of case, the judge ordered ASN to pay eye-watering costs of 500,000 Niara. ASN had their day in court but justice was nowhere to be found. ASN is now consulting with counsel to decide what next. They will certainly need to raise funds to pay the costs awarded against them and, if they decide to appeal, to pay for that legal process.

We need your help to overturn this decision. If you oppose abuse of religious power, please donate to the legal fund here.


The God Delusion now FREE in Arabic
Recognizing the difficulty many Muslims have accessing books on skepticism, atheism and evolution, Richard Dawkins is making his most popular titles available for FREE DOWNLOAD in Arabic, Urdu, Farsi, and Indonesian. The titles being made available include River Out of Eden, The Magic of Reality, The Blind Watchmaker, and The God Delusion.

The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science, now a division of The Center for Inquiry, has launched The Translations Project to provide professional translations of Dawkins’ books into the languages most widely spoken by Muslims around the world.
PICKS from our blog
Check out the editor’s picks from our blog.
AAI Interview - Ariane Sherine
Ariane came up with the original idea for an atheist bus campaign in London.
Watch Now
AAI Interview - Amaka Rea
Amaka is a Nigerian atheist activist. She founded a Facebook group now boasting 16,000 members.
Watch Now
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