Issue 2 | August 24, 2018
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At the end of 2017, our old website was on its last legs. It had served us well but technology had moved on and it was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain and was looking dated. So we decided to replace it using the latest tech and to fill it with news from our campaigns and with high quality articles that will interest atheists, and those reconsidering their faith.

We resolved to build the best atheist website in the world—the GoTo website for atheists everywhere. We are not there yet but we have made a start and now it's time to shout about it!

So this edition of AAI INSIDER is dedicated to our new website. Please take a look . Tell us what you think, tell us what we could do better and what you'd like to see that we've not included. Find it here.

To tell us what you think, or to share news from where you are, email me, John Richards at

in this edition
aai-logo-icon The new AAI video
aai-logo-icon Message from the Presidentwhat we stand for, why we are here and what we do.
aai-logo-icon Universal Declaration of Atheist Rightsa campaign for rights for non-believers
aai-logo-icon Combating godmen in Indiateaching critical thinking to defeat the scammers
aai-logo-icon Book driveproviding science & atheist books for developing countries
aai-logo-icon Freethinkers meeting in London
aai-logo-icon Gems from our blog
aai-logo-icon Get atheist gear
first viewing: The AAI Video
What we stand for, why we are here and what we do.
AAI Introductory Video
our new website : Focus on campaigns
president's message
A lot is happening at AAI. We’re launching our new website, membership is growing and we have great campaigns with more to come. AAI is ready to go to court to stop government officials in Nigeria from spending public funds on a Christian worship center. We are working on a long overdue Declaration of Atheist Rights and will soon be calling for submissions from fellow atheists and human rights groups. Religion is being challenged from India to Guatemala and atheism is growing around the world.

There are still challenges ahead. Thousands of non-believers in Muslim countries live in fear or isolation and need our help. Atheism is still regarded as evil in many places and that needs to change. Non-believer refugees are reporting discrimination in UNHCR processing in favor of other religious groups. These are only some of the obstacles confronting us. I am confident we can meet these and other challenges. AAI has a strong Board and fantastic volunteers who put in hours of their time every week to ensure the work gets done. Equally importantly, we have thousands of supporters who encourage us, advise us and help us.

The world needs rationality more than ever. With the rise of fake news, we have reached the point where any truth can be denied and any wacky ideas can gain mass support. From the climate change debate to extremes in politics, we see chaos. Who better to bring reason to the world than us atheists? We value critical thinking which grounds us, increases tolerance and diminishes discrimination. Our morals are not based on values from thousands of years ago, they are based on evidence and are open to debate.

This is our time to shine—to show the world what we have to offer. Let’s do it.
campaign roundup
Three current campaigns we are excited about that will make a difference.
new campaign
changing the world
Universal declaration of atheist rights

It can be a difficult and dangerous world for atheists. In many countries, abandoning or denying the official religion of the state can result in imprisonment, torture or various draconian restrictions of rights including denial of the right to inherit or own property, or to receive an education. In 13 countries apostates can be subjected to the death penalty.

According to the latest report of the International Humanist and Ethical Union, in many countries, atheists are forced to lie to obtain their official documents without which it is impossible to go to university, receive medical treatment, travel abroad or drive.

In the United States, a social and political climate prevails in which atheists and the non-religious are made to feel like lesser Americans, or non-Americans. In at least seven U.S. states, constitutional provisions bar atheists from public office and one state has a law that bars an atheist from testifying as a witness at a trial.

The fact is, discrimination against atheists, both overtly and covertly, is more pervasive than the religious suggest.

In 1948 the United Nations approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which sets out basic human rights and freedoms. However, it is not legally binding and while it explicitly confers the freedom to practice a religion of choice, it does not explicitly grant the freedom to have no religion. Consequently, it is of little help to the atheists.

All international human rights laws and conventions that now exist, spell out the rights of the religious to practice their religions as they see fit. The freedom of religion is well protected. What is not well protected is the freedom from religion. Accordingly, we intend to catalog the rights we as atheists should enjoy, and we intend to take the resultant Universal Declaration of Atheist Rights to the United Nations and other international bodies. We believe these organizations need to urgently and courageously defend our rights as non-believers, rights that require that religious practices not be imposed on us by either state or non-state interests.

This is as important as it is long overdue

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Professor Narendra Nayak
Combatting godmen in India

According to the World Bank, in 2016, 67% of Indians lived in rural areas. These people don’t have much, but they tend to be very superstitious which makes them easy targets for exploitation. And there is no shortage of tricksters, Swamis, and godmen traveling from village to village using magic tricks to demonstrate their ‘powers’, and promising villagers a better life, in return for their money.

Since 2004, Professor Narendra Nayak (pictured above) has made it his job to expose these charlatans. He travels the villages of India holding workshops at his own expense, showing how the tricks are done, how to detect fraudsters, and how to think critically, all presented with his trademark sense of humor. Now, at the age of 67, after conducting well over 2000 workshops, Narendra is thinking about retirement.

We, at Atheist Alliance International, have the greatest respect for Narendra’s dedication to the people of India and his commitment to rationality. So the AAI board decided to make a financial contribution to help fund his recent tour and we sent AAI member, Rustam Singh, along to learn the trade. Perhaps, we’ll be able to keep these wonderful workshops going after Narendra finally hangs up his spurs.

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Elisabeth M
Book drive for the world

For atheists in the western world, getting a book on atheism or science is just a click away. Not so for atheists in other parts of the world, especially in developing countries. Books on these topics can be scarce and difficult to access yet they are a vital resource for atheists living in a sea of religious and superstitious folk.

We decided to help by donating science and atheist books to affiliates in these countries so they can set up a library service for their members. 

Our first book drive is to create a library of atheist and science books in Nigeria to be managed by our affiliate, the Atheist Society of Nigeria. 

Elisabeth Mathes (pictured above with some of the books she has collected), an AAI Board Member from Nelson, BC, Canada is the lead director working on this campaign.

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other news
London Black Atheists is an active and growing group that organizes events every week in the United Kingdom's capital city. LBA was originally set up to address the unique issues faced by atheists from families immersed in African religious culture. Despite its name, all atheists are welcome to join and attend its events.
London freethinker's event

A Freethinkers gathering was held in London on Saturday 11th August 2018; it is intended to make this an annual event. Organizer Clive Aruede of London Black Atheists spoke to the crowd on Red Lion Square to open the event. He was followed by Andrew Copson, CEO of Humanists UK, who had just returned from the annual Humanists International (formerly IHEU) Convention, held this year in New Zealand.

Next at the microphone was our own Publications Director, John Richards (pictured), who delivered a message of welcome on behalf of AAI’s President, Gail Miller. John went on to describe the action AAI is taking together with our affiliate, Atheist Society of Nigeria, to bring the Governor of Akwo Ibom state, Udom Emmanuel, to court for using state money to fund the development of his Christian Worship Centre—an unconstitutional action. A collection was made for this campaign.

Red lion Square is the location of Conway Hall, the home of the Ethical Society. The event was attended by ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses from Australia, Muslim apostates, and many other non-believers.

Freethinkers event London Aug 2018
gems from our blog
Check out some of the most popular articles from our blog.
slightly crazy inventor
six things wrong with god
It’s a pity you can’t get a Ph.D. in Inventing Gods. Those who have done it in the past have not always done a great job. So here the six key things the Hebrews got wrong with god.
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Hammurabi receiving the law from sun god Shamash
Where did Moses really get the Law from?
What happened here? Did Yahweh see Hammurabi’s laws, like them, copy them, tweak them and hand them down to Moses?
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Jesus crucifixion
Eight reasons Christianity is false
Eight well-known facts that falsify Christianity. Most are so well-known that even Christians are aware of them.
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Happy with life
Atheists believe in nothing!
Why do religious people so often think atheists believe in nothing and stand for nothing? They couldn’t be more wrong. Many stand for more than most religious people.
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get atheist gear
Browse our shop for a selection atheist and AAI-branded goodies.
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How you can help
We work to combat discrimination against atheists and to make the world a safer and more rational place for everyone. We support, fund and advise on campaigns around the world to defend atheists and resist the encroachment of religious dogma into public policy. You can help by sharing this email to your friends, or even better, by becoming a member.
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NOTE: We have a completely new website and membership system so, if you once had an AAI account, please just create a new account.
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