Issue 3 | October 27, 2018
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In this issue we are running a competition to find original slogans to refresh our merchandise such as car stickers, T shirts, mugs, mouse pads and the like. If you have a way with words, why not enter and stand a chance of winning $250 USD? Enter as many times as you like—it's free to enter. Click here.

Our President, Gail Miller discusses why it is so important that atheists be recognised as a group at risk and be given the same protections as are enjoyed by believers. Click here.

For a roundup of news from Uganda, Pakistan and the UK,  click here.

Many thanks for your feedback on our new video, the revamped website and Secular World. Here's what you told us. Click here.

Don't miss the editor's selection of four must-read blog posts. Click here.

Comings & goings. New arrivals on the AAI Board and a resignation. Click here.

To tell us what you think, or to share news from where you are, email me, John Richards at

Are you creative?

Here's a chance to win $250 USD! Send us a slogan to spice up our merchandise and you're in with a chance of winning a nice filler for your wallet. The competition closes on November 11, so get scribbling! But please make sure you read the rules first.

If wordsmithing is not your game, please send this to friends who like to dabble.

1. Use simple, clean language.
2. Preference given to slogans that are short, smart, witty and show atheism as positive, non-confrontational and inclusive.
3. Contestants agree to assign copyright of their slogan to AAI.
4. Winning slogans may be used on the AAI website, social media, and on car stickers, t-shirts, mugs and other merchandise at AAI’s discretion.
5. Non-winning slogans will not be used by AAI.
6. Contestants confirm their entries are their own original work.
7. Slogans will be voted on by a panel of judges which will include two AAI Board members and one outside person.
8. The competition ends November 11, 2018 at midnight in your time zone. Entries received after this deadline will not be considered.
9. AAI Board members and their families are not eligible.
10. When entering, if you do not wish your name to be disclosed publicly in the event that you win, you must say so. AAI will not disclose the names of non-winners.
11. Competition results will be published on Facebook and the AAI website within 30 days of the competition close.
12. AAI reserves the right not to award all available prizes.

Send entries to GOOD LUCK!
Competition sponsored by Atheist Alliance International:

Universal Declaration of Atheist Rights
president's message
Atheist Alliance International is currently drafting a Universal Declaration of Atheist Rights. Our goal is to present it to the United Nations and have freedom FROM religion acknowledged as a right. It will also highlight atheists as a group that needs recognition and protection.
You might ask why is this important. I’ll give three reasons why.

For many atheists, it is a matter of life and death. AAI has received complaints about the refugee process at UNHCR. Some atheists who left Muslim countries were interviewed by Muslim Adjudicators for refugee status. They were denied status despite one person providing evidence of being shot at by religious extremists. Many felt they didn’t stand a chance as Islam is very unforgiving toward non-believers. Other atheists in UNHCR camps populated and operated by Muslims fear for their lives. Atheists in religious environments face harm, and it happens frequently. They need protection.

The second reason is that atheists are not identified as a group that needs protection. AAI has approached UNHCR about these complaints and we are beginning to get results. But we have to explain to officials why these atheists need protection. UNHCR officials say all their personnel must abide by a strict code of ethics which prohibits discrimination against any group. Yet it is hard for them to monitor their personnel around the world and clearly, not all are aware that atheists need extra assistance in certain regions. UNHCR officials are aware that homosexuals are at risk in many countries and actively work to protect them. This past year Canada took in approximately 50 homosexuals and lesbians who faced torture and imprisonment in Chechnya. Atheists also need this recognition so organizations and countries move quickly to keep them from harm.

The third reason is that the dangers atheists face are not widely understood. The other day I had to explain to another Government official why a non-believer in a Muslim country needs assistance to get out. The person didn’t know that in 13 Muslim countries, atheists face the death penalty. And it is not widely known that atheists in these countries also fear family and religious extremists in addition to the police. Often they face worse consequences in the community as we’ve seen from the cases of bloggers who have been hacked to death in Bangladesh.

This is why we have started a campaign for a Universal Declaration of Atheist Rights. The world needs to be aware of the dangers we face and that we have a right to be protected.

Atheism is growing around the world. This declaration is a starting point for improving the lives of millions as more and more people come to realize that religion does not make sense. We need your support.

Please contribute to the discussion at
Around the world
News from Uganda, Pakistan and the UK.
In Uganda

Kasese Humanist School, which we support, continues to thrive and we are working on a fundraising initiative. We are collaborating with the School Director, Robert Bwambale, on a video to promote the school worldwide. Giving African children an opportunity to get an education untainted by religion is a virtuous mission and we are extremely grateful to all the hardworking staff.

Go to their website to see the wonderful opportunities that they provide.

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In Pakistan

Following the recent arrest of human rights campaigner Gulalai Ismail, AAI's President, Gail Miller, has written to Imran Khan, the newly elected Prime Minister of Pakistan as follows:

Dear Prime Minister,
Please accept my congratulations on your election as Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. We have great hopes that your leadership will produce a change in the direction of your country away from the fundamentalism of the Taliban that it has unfortunately endured in the recent past, in some states.

Having said that, I wish to express my abhorrence at the news of the arrest of human rights campaigner Gulalai Ismail upon her return to the country of her birth. This action by the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is in direct contravention of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. That Declaration was drafted in 1948 under the Chairmanship of Eleanor Roosevelt, then first lady of the USA, with Canadian, French, Chinese, and Lebanese colleagues and it remains a seminal document for individual rights and freedom worldwide.

As I’m sure you are aware, the UDHR stemmed from the Four Freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from fear and freedom from want that were agreed by The Allies following World War Two. When implemented, the United Nations Charter "reaffirmed faith in fundamental human rights, and dignity and worth of the human person" and committed all member states to promote "universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion". Pakistan signed up to this document in 1948.

Since then, the UDHR has been translated into 307 languages/dialects and has served as the foundation for a growing number of national laws, international laws and treaties, as well as for a growing number of regional, sub-national and national institutions protecting and promoting human rights. Unfortunately, Pakistan has been tardy in implementing these humane and worthy measures.

In this particular case, Gulalai Ismail has committed no offence deserving of arrest and detention; she is merely a peaceful human rights campaigner who should be entitled to the freedoms enshrined in the UDHR, including freedom of speech and freedom of movement.

At the time of writing, I hear she has been released from detention but is being denied access to her passport. Consequently, I call upon you to restore her passport to her and to treat her with the sense of fairness that I know you, a former world-class cricketer, must subscribe to.

Yours faithfully,

Gail Miller
President of Atheist Alliance International

In the UK

AAI INSIDER editor, John Richards—pictured right, presented to Brighton Humanists in October, video here:

Our Vice President, Bill Flavell, and John Richards have both been invited to speak to the London meeting of Atheism UK in November. 

John will be debating a Creationist Baptist minister in Worthing on November 8th. We hope to livestream this event. Links to videos or reports of these events will be in the next issue of AAI INSIDER.

John Richards
Your views
our new video and website.
We are proud of our Introductory video and our new website. Of course, there is more to be added and more improvements to be made to the website (the job is never done), but we are convinced that we are heading in the right direction. Already we are feeling the benefit of our upgrades—membership is climbing, donations are coming in, atheist and secular associations are affiliating. All this enables us to do more for atheists worldwide.

Read a small selection of readers' comments...
The new AAI video is excellent. I am not an atheist; however, the messages of human rights, separation of church and state, and critical thinking, science, and reason in public schools make good sense to me.”

Thank you for the new website. I found lots of educational and informative things...

Well thought and well presented to cover most of the world issues with misleading religions.
Visit the Website
The AAI video
Newsletter & Secular World redesigns
People have already said nice things about AAI INSIDER—it’s viewed as clear and informative with links to other sources; a good read. That’s exactly what we were aiming for.

Secular World, our quarterly magazine, is also getting accolades. It’s had a makeover with a stylish new layout and features well-known and respected correspondents, such as Richard Carrier, Andrew Copson, and Stephen Law. We were so proud of the August edition that we have had some printed and we've sent them as a gift to celebrity atheists by post. Hopefully, this will earn us some famous supporters.

We are not resting on our laurels though, and the October issue is even more professional. 

Please keep letting us know your views by emailing
Secular World
gems from our blog
Check out some of the most popular articles from our blog.
Snake coiled on an apple
Why Christianity’s most important story is 100% wrong
The Adam & Eve story is myth but it has fatal flaws that undermine even that limited purpose.
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Creation of woman
How we know Genesis is the work of men
Were humans made in the image of God? Compare our attributes and it's obvious we weren't, but why is this so important?
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Christian Easter parade
Why religions don’t care about truth
If discovering truth was important to religions it would show in their behavior. Take a look & it's obvious they have no interest in truth...
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LDS Mission cropped
Moving on
The moving story of an ex-Mormon and ex-soldier who fought in Iraq. It tells how he left his religion but lost his family and almost lost his life in the process.
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comings & Goings

There have been three changes on the AAI board

since the last issue of AAI INSIDER

Narendra Nayak

joining us

Narendra Nayak

Narendra is President of Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations and campaigns to expose God-men in India. Welcome!
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Christine Shellska

joining us

Christine Shellska

Christine is a Ph.D. Candidate  at the University of Calgary, Canada and is a past President of AAI. Welcome back!
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anon person 2

leaving us

Aon Sami

Aon, our board member from Jordan is leaving to focus on his studies. We wish him well and hope to see him back when he has more time.
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How you can help
We work to combat discrimination against atheists and to make the world a safer and more rational place for everyone. We support, fund and advise on campaigns around the world to defend atheists and resist the encroachment of religious dogma into public policy. You can help by sharing this email to your friends, or even better, by becoming a member.
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NOTE: We have a completely new website and membership system so, if you once had an AAI account, please just create a new account.
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