Issue 4 | November 23, 2018
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As we approach the end of the year, this is a special, single-topic edition of our newsletter. That one topic is how to mobilize atheists to help accelerate change. We desperately need a more rational world. We need to make the world a safer place for atheists, and to help atheists who are persecuted, bullied and threatened. This edition tells you what you need to know.

First up, our President, Gail Miller tells us a hard truth. Click here.

How to donate for free using Amazon SMILE.  Click here.

Our Vice President, Bill Flavell, talks about our annual process to select the most compelling campaigns to work on next year and explains how you can get involved. Click here.

We have some choice items from our atheist store. Why not give your family members an atheist gift or treat yourself? Click here.

We finish with four thought-provoking blog posts specially selected by your editor. Enjoy. Click here.

To tell us what you think, or to share news from where you are, email me, John Richards at

a hard truth for atheists
president's message
Here is a sad fact. There are 1.2 billion religiously unaffiliated people in the worldmany of these people are non-believers. There are more religiously unaffiliated than there are Hindus. The sad fact is that atheists punch well below their weight. The sad fact is atheists love to exchange memes and engage in online discussions but precious few of us do more.

We are horrified and enraged when we hear of violence and injustice against atheists, of atheist bloggers being hacked to death in the streets of Bangladesh, or being sentenced to 1,000 lashes in Saudi Arabia, but what is our response? Create a meme, post an online comment or click an angry-face emoticon.

When religious folk have a cause, they mobilize. They have established leadership, they get organized and they get out and help and donate generously. But we are keyboard warriors. The hard truth is religious folk are better at this than we are.

We have a battle to fight, a battle for the rights of atheists worldwide. It is not a battle we can win disorganized, sitting comfortably at home with duct tape around our wallets. Decide you will be part of the solution. If it's feasible where you live, join a local group. If there's no group, start one. Hold meetings and get out and talk to the media. Establish a presence. We can help you do all this.

Wherever you live, you can join a large established group, such as Atheist Alliance International. Put your skills to work as a volunteer or raise money to pay for campaigns or donate.

We are like David, and our Goliath is the rich and powerful religious establishment. David won with the help of a secret weapon. Potentially, we have a secret weapon tooa huge community of active, articulate atheists. Some atheists are already engaged and helping, now we need you to join us.

Gail Miller
Everything we do is funded by our members and supporters. Please help.
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a new way to give that costs you nothing

Now there is a simple (and no cost) way to raise funds for AAI, so long as you live in the USA. Just sign up for Amazon Smile and every time you shop on Amazon, we get 0.5% of the value of your qualifying purchases. Free for you—great for us!

To set it up click the link below and select Atheist Alliance International as your charity.

Why not do it now? It just takes minutes, and you don't even have to be an AAI member or supporter.

Thank you, and thank you Amazon!

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finding the big wins
How we plan our CAMPAIGNS

Members of the AAI board bring their passions to work with them. They are passionate about a more open and rational world. They are passionate about freedom of conscience and freedom of expression, about freedom of religion and freedom from religion. And they are passionate about the safety of atheists wherever they are in the world.

Every year at this time we have important decisions to make. How can we direct our resources, our expertise and our money to impact the things we are passionate about? We have developed a process to assess competing options to arrive at a plan for next year. The process takes account of benefits, costs and risks.

If you work for a large company, you probably have a similar annual planning process. What sets our process apart is the effort we make to ditch the politics and replace it with evidence and analysis. This is where our collective passion becomes a trump card. We aim to make the process not about us, but about you.

We start by collecting campaign ideas from board members and from AAI affiliates to arrive at a long list of possible campaigns. This has already started but will continue through mid-December. If you have an idea for a campaign, please let me know, Your idea may be the one that makes all the difference.

Our campaigns usually are one of two types: they either seek to promote critical thinking, important freedoms and to normalize atheism, or they campaign against the repression of atheists or other abuses of religious power.

Once the long list is completed, we go through a methodical process to eliminate the less effective ideas and end up with a program of work that matches our resources and will take us furthest towards our goals.

get atheist gear
Why not give your family members an atheist gift or treat yourself?

Many more bargains in store.

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gems from our blog
Check out some of the most popular articles from our blog.
Judges gavel
Six awkward questions on Biblical morality
A tongue-in-cheek look at Biblical morality. How could we adapt God's laws for the modern world? 
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Crying clown
How a clown-god fails Christians
God's track record shows he's a bit dim, so why do believers rely on arguments for his existence that require him to be super-smart?
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Slave Liberation statue
Is slavery wrong?
We all think slavery is wrong but how do we know this for a fact rather than just an opinion. Read on...
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10 bad reasons
Ten bad reasons to be an atheist (and one good one)
There are good reasons to be an atheist and there are bad reasons...
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How you can help
We work to combat discrimination against atheists and to make the world a safer and more rational place for everyone. We support, fund and advise on campaigns around the world to defend atheists and resist the encroachment of religious dogma into public policy. As a member, you are already helping. Thank you! If you think your membership may have lapsed, please log in and renew.
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NOTE: We have a completely new website and membership system so, if your old password doesn't work, just click on the lost password link.

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