Issue 5 | February 14, 2019
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Welcome to 2019. All of us at AAI wish you the very best for a healthy and happy year. In this Insider our President, Gail Miller, outlines AAI’s plans for 2019, we welcome AAI’s new affiliates and sneak a preview of Secular World magazine. As always, we exhibit the merchandise from our Atheist Store and finish with some thought-provoking blog posts selected by your editor, John Richards.

To tell us what you think, or to share news from where you are, email me, John Richards at

AAI on the Move
president's message
2019 promises to be a very exciting year for us.  We are done with the reorganization and ready to move forward making the world a better place for atheists.  Our campaigns for this year cover a wide variety of countries and issues. 

We are supporting our affiliates in Uganda and Greece to normalize atheism. 

In Uganda, we are providing funds to our affiliate, HALEA, to host meetups where atheists can talk openly about the issues they face.  We are also helping them to get media spots on TV and Radio to promote atheism and the work they do. In Uganda, one pays for a spot on TV or Radio.  It not only takes money but also persistence, as many stations are owned by religious groups. 

In Greece, we are funding a legal campaign to take religion off high school certificates and supporting work on removing religious studies from the school curriculum.

Other campaigns include helping our Canadian affiliate, Calgary Atheists, in their effort to become a Government sponsored refugee committee.  This would allow them to take in non-believers whose lives are at risk. This is huge for AAI and those that need our help. Just this week, I received requests from people in Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt   All fearing for their lives.  We hope to become able to offer a line of support to those living in fear.  

In many rural villages of India, con men and religious people convince the poorest that they need to give them money in order to make their lives better.  This includes persuading them with religious dogma that will not improve their lives but will leave them with less money in their pockets. 

In 2019, we will once again support the campaign to combat the Godmen of India, along with training volunteers so that it can continue to grow.

We have two campaigns from 2018 which will continue in 2019.  The first is our legal battle with a state Governor in Nigeria who wants to create a Worship Centre using public funds.  AAI’s affiliate, Atheists Society of Nigeria, has filed a legal complaint and will follow through with it. 

AAI wants to become a leader in promoting Critical Thinking throughout the world.  We will start by creating an interactive online program that children and students can access. Other projects include creating a course outline on Critical Thinking that colleges can use to teach these important skills. 

AAI also launched its campaign for atheist rights.  Atheists around the world need protection from religion.  Presently, the UN Charter emphasizes freedom of religion, not from religion.  As the number of atheists grows, we need a stronger statement that protects our rights to be free from religion.

I hope you will continue to support us in our endeavors. Wishing you all the best for 2019.

Gail Miller, President


Secular World, our flagship magazine, is published 4 times a year. Its purpose is to inform, educate and entertain on worldwide matters of atheistic interest. We are always looking for contributors, email the editor here: Secular World Editor

The first edition of 2019 is currently reserved for AAI members only but will be freely available on February 18th. This issue focuses on the Near East where all the Abrahamic religions originated. There are articles from regular contributors Richard Carrier, Stephen Law and Courtney Heard plus a poem from comedian Robin Ince, an article by Angelos Sofocleos (the editor of Secular Nation) and young YouTuber Alex O’Connor has submitted his refutation of the Kalaam Cosmological Argument.

We have plans for an AAI Publishing arm where Secular World printed annuals will be available for purchase—you will be able to give them to whoever you wish!

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meet our affiliates
Any secular, atheist, agnostic or humanist organization can become an AAI affiliate.
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our latest affiliates

AAI is proud to warmly welcome 12 new affiliates:

SEVASH - SE Virginia Atheists, Skeptics and Humanists - USA
Canadian Atheists - Canada
Humanist Association of Ghana - Ghana
Atheist Society of Calgary - Canada
Associacio per al’humanisme - Spain
Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime Deutschlands - Germany
Rationalist Society of Australia - Australia
Humanists and Atheists of Zambia - Zambia
Mumbai Rationalist Association - India
The Malcolm Children’s Foundation - Uganda
Sapiens Foundation - India
Maharashtra Andhshraddha Nirmulan Samiti (MANS)

The Malcolm Foundation does very worthy work helping young Ugandans to get the medical treatments they need which are not available locally. Depicted: Susan Nambejja, Managing Director and Programme Co-ordinator of the Malcolm Foundation with young patient, Rayat, who needs hip surgery. Please visit their website, read their story and donate.

ex-muslims of germany
Also, allow me to spotlight the ex-Muslims of Germany (Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime Deutschlands) who are doing sterling work campaigning against Sharia Law in Europe.

We are preparing a starter toolkit of useful information and links to help with the, sometimes difficult, birth of atheist groups around the world. If you wish to set-up a local group in your country, send me an email and we will provide you with some helpful guidance for free.

I am looking forward to working with you all towards our common goal of a secular world.

Elisabeth Mathes, Affiliates Director
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favorites from our blog
Check out some of the most popular articles from our blog.
Say goodbye to Christianity in 2019
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Do you have to be stupid to believe in God?
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Four responses to Biblical slavery
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How you can help
We work to combat discrimination against atheists and to make the world a safer and more rational place for everyone. We support, fund and advise on campaigns around the world to defend atheists and resist the encroachment of religious dogma into public policy. You can help by sharing this email to your friends, or even better, by becoming a member.
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