Issue 7 | April 14, 2019
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As usual, the monthly news of religiously inspired harm is dire, but there are a few glimmers of hope: a recent survey counts ‘Nones’ as equally numerous to Evangelicals and Catholics in the USA and there are protests going on against Islamic extremism. Meanwhile, in South Africa, secularists have nominated their annual award winner

To tell us what you think, or to share news from where you are, email me, John Richards at


president's message
More religiously targeted mass shootings, countries reverting back to Sharia law, the arrest of human rights activists—it’s easy to be discouraged about the fate of the world. We, at AAI, however, are more optimistic.

Since the start of this year, we’ve been busy organizing meetups in Uganda, teaching critical thinking in villages in India, supporting our affiliates around the world as they work to repeal blasphemy laws and fight to stop governments spending public money on religious institutions. This is on top of a successful International Atheist Day celebration last month.

We as atheists are moving forward, gaining strength and making change happen. Let’s not stop.

Gail Miller, President
Winning slogans: T-shirts now available

Earlier in the year, we launched a competition for our supporters to come up with original atheist slogans. We pared down hundreds of entries to the very best three: One Winner and Two Runners-up.

Now we have created beautiful T-shirts sporting these slogans. Click below to view the T’s and a range of other atheist merchandise. Buy some for yourself, and remember, they make great gifts for your secular friends.

Support AAI and Purchase Award Winning T-Shirts

“We promise 100% satisfaction.

If you don't absolutely love it, we'll take it back!”

1 T shirt tested 100_ atheist
2 T shirt warning I ask questions
3 T shirt tested 100_ atheist 2
5 T shirt no magic no magician 2
Sharia law in Brunei
On 3rd April, in a backwards move towards ancient brutal and barbaric laws, the Sultan of Brunei introduced stoning to death for those deemed ‘guilty’ of homosexuality, imprisonment for adultery and the cutting off of hands and feet for robbery. It seems likely that these sanctions will apply to all residents irrespective of their religious affiliation.

(Picture by || UggBoy♥UggGirl || PHOTO || WORLD || TRAVEL)

News of this provoked a reaction from celebrities George Clooney and Sir Elton John who called for a boycott of the Sultan’s investment portfolio of international hotels. Dear readers, if you patronize The Dorchester and his eight other top-class hotels (details on our website - see here),  please stop now!

Picture by || UggBoy♥UggGirl || PHOTO || WORLD || TRAVEL)
Hijab Fashion Exhibition protest
- Elisabeth Mathes, Affiliates Director

Our affiliate, the Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime Deutschland (Council of Ex-Muslims of Germany) are protesting against the exhibition ‘Contemporary Muslim Fashions’ that is planned to take place at the Frankfurt Museum for Applied Arts from April 4th to September 15th, where Islamic veils such as hijab, headscarves, burqas and niqabs will be exhibited and presented to public opinion as fashion trends for Muslim women.

In their protest letter to the organizers of the exhibition, in which they demand the cancellation of the fashion show, the Council of Ex-Muslims of Germany state: “As being the organizers of this ‘fashion show’ it is hard to imagine that you don't know that you've pointed your finger at a big wound in human history and that you're mocking us—millions of women who have become victims of this ‘fashion’. We would therefore like to expressly declare that Islamic veiling is not a normal item of clothing. And we would like to take a closer look at this question for all those who are interested in the truth.’

The Council of Ex-Muslims also complain that this exhibition would foster the myth that women choose to wear these Islamic veils freely and of their own volition, “The veiling is the banner of a misogynistic ideology imposed by prison and torture in Iran, Afghanistan, Sudan and Somalia. Also in Europe or in the Western countries this movement forces the veil on even children with the help of mosques and Islamic organizations, which are often connected with Islamic regimes. The defenders and activists of this movement are present everywhere and talk about the fact that there should be "religious freedom" in Europe. They establish the myth that women and five-year-old children are free to wear the veil.”

The protest letter that also demands an official response from the organizers and continues, “All those who create fashion from the suffering of women and the symbols of their enslavement should be ashamed of it. It is completely unacceptable in the 21st century to defend and embellish a scarf from which blood drips. A cloth that is a symbol of contempt for women. A cloth in whose fabric countless painful stories of the lack of the right to divorce, of honor killings and acid attacks on uncovered women have been woven.” 
Removing religion from schools in Greece
- Gail Miller, President

The Atheist Union of Greece, an affiliate of AAI, launched court action against the Education Department to remove religion from high school certificates. Currently, each student’s diploma lists a religion even they are not religious. The Atheist Union of Greece has been campaigning against this for many years and now has support of parents and students. AAI is providing funds to our Greek affiliate to cover legal costs.
- Bill Flavell, Vice President

For 2019, AAI and HALEA have teamed up to promote a series of high-profile public debates featuring contributors from Uganda and abroad. These meetups will take place in the capital city, Kampala and will be streamed over the Internet to give Ugandans across the country the opportunity to watch the events live and ask questions.

The first meetup, held on March 30, was a great success. Read more here.
First Uganda meetup
Atheist Day report
March 23rd saw the first International Atheist Day organized by an international coalition of ex-Muslims. London’s Russell Square saw atheists chalking ‘There is no god’ in various languages, which must have been a first for the location named after the family of famous atheist, Bertrand Russell. Later, MC Nahla Mahmoud introduced speaker Maryam Namazie and the gathering was entertained by comedian Sadia Hameed and singer Shelley Segal who is shown leading the ‘atheist choir’. Awards were given to two absent friends, the filmmaker, Nadia El Fani, and Atheist Republic Founder, Armin Navabi.
favorites from our blog
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How we know gods are imaginary
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The incredible story of God
God had no beginning. He was always there. He is maximally intelligent. And he was alone…
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