Issue 8 | May 19, 2019
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The news of religiously inspired conflict continues unabated (see article on Sri Lanka bombings) but there is some actual good news this month: Brunei has responded to worldwide public outrage and climbed down from the threat to stone gays! Homosexuality will still be considered a punishable crime but not a capital offense.

The May edition of Secular World, our flagship journal, is now available here. To tell us what you think, or to share news from where you are, email me, John Richards at

president's message
Uganda is unique in the developing world for its high number of secular, humanist schools. Since 2004, with the opening of the first school, Isaac Newton, five others joined in to provide liberal, secular education. Over 2000 students from kindergarten to young adults learning vocational skills are enrolled in these schools. While that number is small in comparison to Uganda’s total population of 42 million, it continues to grow. To read more about these schools, go to our website

-- Gail Miller, President
NEW! Our atheist book recommendations
One of the most common questions we are asked is, “What books do you recommend?”
People doubting their religion or new to atheism are often hungry to learn more. Lifelong atheists like to read good atheist books and keep up with new books as they are published.

Parents want to find good books for their children to give them thinking skills and help them appreciate the wonders of the natural world. Sometimes, people are searching for straightforward, non-confrontational books to gift to their religious friends...

You will find a selection of the books we love on our Atheist Bookfest page. Enjoy!

See them here.
Couple reading book
Akwa Ibom Worship Centre main
theists sue a state governor in Nigeria
Our Affiliate, the Atheist Society of Nigeria (ASN), issued a summons against the governor of Akwa Ibom state last October. ASN believes the governor has acted unconstitutionally by providing state resources and support for the construction of a huge-8,500 seat worship center. Nigeria's Federal Constitution prohibits government involvement in religion, as is the case in the USA.

This will be an important test case as government involvement in religion is widespread in this highly religious, and divided, country. AAI is supporting ASN with the case and funding legal and other costs involved in the lawsuit.

Now the governor's lawyers have filed their defense so we now know how they plan to answer these serious charges. 

See the full story here

-- Bill Flavell
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Sri Lanka Bombings
On Easter Sunday, 21 April 2019, the people of Sri Lanka experienced terror in the form of suicide bomber attacks on hotels and Christian churches, which left more than two hundred and fifty-three innocent people dead and at least five hundred more injured. (picture from BBC: Six of the bombing victims)

Our hearts go out to the victims and their families. As with the Christchurch shootings in March, there are no words we could possibly express that can ease the burden and pain. These attacks underscore the need for us to resist religious violence and extremism and to promote a philosophy of humanity based on evidential information.

Amaq News Agency, a propaganda outlet for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), claimed that ″the perpetrators of the attack targeting the citizens of coalition countries and Christians in Sri Lanka were Islamic State fighters″ A man believed to be long-silent ISIL leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, praised the attackers during an 18-minute video.

AAI believes in an open and tolerant society where everyone can feel safe without having to comply with religious control enforced by terrorism. While we may disagree with religious views, our core ethical foundation is for the well being of all people. No political ideology or religious conviction can justify committing crimes against humanity.

As a species we are facing so many threats, none so grave as the ones we create for ourselves. There will be no hero to save us, no savior to rescue us from the consequences of our own nature. It is, for better or worse, up to us to save ourselves, to find it in our hearts to be better, to be compassionate, to be kind, and to heal the groundless religious divisions that are driving us closer to oblivion.

-- Peter Harrison and John Richards

Breaking news 29th April: Sri Lanka banned face-coverings on the grounds that they conceal identity.
Sponsorship of non-believer refugees
AAI, along with other secular organizations, receive a steady stream of requests for help. Almost all of these pleas from help come from non-believers in Muslim countries and most just want out. Some are in greater danger than others and AAI triages the requests to help those most in need.

One option to assist these people is to bring them to safety in another country. Both Canada and the United States have programs in place where an organization, or even a group of five people, can be approved to sponsor refugees. If your organization or group is interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact the AAI President.

-- Gail Miller, President
GET YOUR Winning slogan T-shirts!

Earlier in the year, we launched a competition for our supporters to come up with original atheist slogans. We pared down hundreds of entries to the very best three: One Winner and Two Runners-up.

Now we have created beautiful T-shirts sporting these slogans. Click below to view the T’s and a range of other atheist merchandise. Buy some for yourself, and remember, they make great gifts for your secular friends.

Support AAI and Purchase Award Winning T-Shirts

“We promise 100% satisfaction.

If you don't absolutely love it, we'll take it back!”

1 T shirt tested 100_ atheist
2 T shirt warning I ask questions
3 T shirt tested 100_ atheist 2
5 T shirt no magic no magician 2
favorites from our blog
Check out some of the most popular articles from our blog.
Six reasons God would prefer to be dead
If you are God and omniscient—you know everything but there are things you cannot do...
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What was God’s most important job?
If Christianity is true, do you know what God’s most important job was? How well did he do?
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Why atheism needs no apologists
If God was real, biology would need apologists to explain why all the evidence points to creation...
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Why heaven could be hell
If there is eternal life & you sign up, you’ve signed a contract with no termination clause.
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We work to combat discrimination against atheists and to make the world a safer and more rational place for everyone. We support, fund and advise on campaigns around the world to defend atheists and resist the encroachment of religious dogma into public policy. You can help by sharing this email to your friends, or even better, by becoming a member.
NOTE: We have a completely new website and membership system so, if your old password doesn't work, just click on the lost password link.

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