Issue 9 | June 17, 2019
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Last month saw a new democratically elected government in India, the world’s largest secular nation. New, but no different. In fact, the Bharatiya Janata Party secured more seats and one of their first announcements was the intention to make Hindi the compulsory teaching language in all schools. This was followed by such a massive outcry that, a few days later, they climbed down and changed the policy to permit students to study in the language of their choice. Doesn’t that just show how we have to be ready to resist attempts to impose creeping theocracy though… Are you listening American evangelicals?

To tell us what you think, or to share news from where you are, email me, John Richards at

president's message
I am happy to report that our organization is going from strength to strength as we recruit more staff. The President of our Greek affiliate, Fotis Frangopoulos, has accepted the role of AAI Campaigns Manager and John Manoj, leader of Mumbai Rationalist Association, is on track to become World News Director.

Meanwhile, Director Elisabeth Mathes will be focusing on Outreach in future. As I reported last month, this is a big job: not only are there dozens of daily requests for help from victims of religious persecution to respond to, but also there is the need to offer assistance with the setting up of new atheist groups in many unfriendly parts of the world. We are very pleased to have got the right dedicated person in this vital role.
We welcome them all to their new positions.

Are there any good fundraisers out there who would like to join our team? Just respond to this email if you think our next Fundraising Director could be you.

-- Gail Miller, President
The God Delusion now FREE in Arabic
Recognizing the difficulty many Muslims have accessing books on skepticism, atheism and evolution, Richard Dawkins is making his most popular titles available for FREE DOWNLOAD in Arabic, Urdu, Farsi, and Indonesian. The titles being made available include River Out of Eden, The Magic of Reality, The Blind Watchmaker, and The God Delusion.

The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science, now a division of The Center for Inquiry, has launched The Translations Project to provide professional translations of Dawkins’ books into the languages most widely spoken by Muslims around the world.

Find out more here.

“Midbrain Activation” in India
With fancy claims like ‘ancient Indian science’ and ‘third eye activation’ scammers have started duping parents with this new jargon. In urban areas the charges for this process are in tens of thousands while in the smaller places it is a few thousand rupees. However the common factor in both is the gullibility of the species. Our people just want to hang on to their beliefs. The cheats exploit their gullibility and most of the people do not even want to accept that they have been taken for a ride.

But the campaign against this scam is picking up again. Three years ago when I was last in Raipur we exposed this following and a sustained campaign by the local organizations forced such scammers to close shop.

But public memory is short and they had started it again some weeks back, so it was good that my recent visit brought the issue to the forefront again. We have challenged them to show their skills under our controlled conditions. Going by our previous experiences we will be unlikely to get any takers!

Here I am with a teenage subject who I taught how to do this trick in two minutes! [YouTube Video]

We also challenged astrologers to predict the election results and got around 8 entries. Guess what? None of them got it right.

-- Narendra Nayak,  AAI’s Leader on Critical Thinking
Our Road to Reason
With so much reliance on superstition and magic in the world, with millions of atheists suffering discrimination and criminalization and with widespread abuse of religious power around the planet, it’s tempting to give up and conclude that nothing can be done. But at AAI, we’re not the giving up kind of people. So we have to find a way to leverage the modest resources we have to achieve the biggest impact.

We have several strategies to optimize our efforts; at the highest level, we have the AAI Strategic Framework. This recognizes that countries typically go through stages to migrate from highly religious, often with little or no religious freedom (as commonly found in Africa and the Middle East) to secular and free.
We see four stages:

STAGE 1: Safety and Community: We need to build a community for atheists where they can develop their understanding and socialize in safety.

STAGE 2: Awareness and Understanding: Ensure the public understands that atheists exist, what atheism entails and that atheists pose no threat to civil society. Cultivate atheist public figures.

STAGE 3: Campaigning and Involvement: Become identified with more general human rights and fairness issues and move beyond the atheism single issue.

STAGE 4: Participation and Equality: Obtain equal treatment of atheists vs the religious under the law, and the freedom for atheists to openly and freely participate in public life.
Understanding how to identify these helps us, and our affiliates, to focus on the activities that will drive the country to the next stage.

Perhaps the biggest question is how Islamic countries will fit into our framework? Many people will assume these countries will be stuck as Stage 1 for generations. Well, they might be, but the world is changing in our direction. We are seeing Islamic countries becoming increasingly concerned about the number of atheists in their midst. The growth of atheism among Muslims looks like a continuing trend.

For more details and a description of the activities we use to achieve our goals, click here.
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