September 16, 2019
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Dear ,
an important new campaign
Today, atheists are one of the most discriminated against groups in the world. In some countries, it is illegal to be an atheist and penalties range from fines to imprisonment to death. In countries in which it is legal to be an atheist, there can be discrimination in employment, in access to public office and in many other ways. 

Since the advent of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, human rights have made great progress but none of the half-dozen, or so declarations or covenants ratified since then have explicitly recognized the right to be secular and defined what that means.

At Atheist Alliance International (AAI) we believe the time for atheists to be granted the same rights as religious people is long overdue. So we are spearheading The RIGHT to be SECULAR Campaign in support of the following statement to become part of international human rights law:
"Freedom of religion and belief entails the right to be a secular person. That is the right not to be coerced or presumed to: adopt a belief; practice a religion; behave or dress according to religious precepts; identify with any faith; belong to a religious community, organization or association; adopt religious ceremonies associated with births, deaths or other life events; or be registered in official documents as a member of a religion, faith, church or any institution related to religion."
If your organization agrees, there are several things you can do to help:
  • Sign the petition and encourage your members and friends to sign the petition.
  • Forward the petition to other groups who may be interested.
  • Talk about this campaign on your website, blog, newsletter or podcast.
  • Prominently display the RIGHT to be SECULAR: ENDORSED logo especially when you discuss the campaign and always use the hashtag:  #The_Right_to_be_Secular.
Once this logo is shared to thousands of sites, millions of people will see it and associate it with the demand that the world must respect the RIGHT to be SECULAR. We will build mass support that will give us the mandate to approach the United Nations and other human rights organizations.
TRTBS Endorsed Logo SMALL
If you would like to do more, apply to join the AAI coalition and add your organization’s weight to the campaign. Contact Howard Burman, Secretary, Atheist Alliance International at

There are more than a billion nonreligious people in the world and millions of progressive religious people who will stand with us. We need to reach and mobilize them. Atheists must not be second-class citizens.

Please help us do this.
This is the single most important thing you can do. Sign the petition now.
Sign here
Get the logo
Download the RIGHT to be SECULAR: ENDORSED logo & display it widely.
Get the logo Here
Join the coalition
Join us and add the weight of your organization to the campaign.
Email Howard

Kind regards



Atheist Alliance International

contact us
home_icon 1821 Jefferson Place NW Washington DC, USA 20036
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