Become a Junior Member

Joining Atheist Alliance International is simple and safe—we promise we will not sell your email address or pass it on to third parties.

Junior Members make one payment a year. We set up an automatic recurring payment for you so you don’t have to worry about renewals. Of course, you can cancel any time you like, no questions asked.

Junior Members get first viewing of Secular World magazine and our email newsletter. Additional benefits are available, if you upgrade your membership type.

To become a Junior Member, click on the button below. You can sign-in to your account and change membership type, at any time.

To join us, you confirm you are an atheist, agnostic, freethinker or humanist.

If you join us, you will receive occasional administrative emails and an email that allows you to opt-out of newsletters/campaign emails. If it is unsafe for you to receive emails from us, please do not join.