AAI has affiliates on every continent of the world (except Antarctica). Affiliates are organizations that share our mission and goals and join with us to make us all stronger. Their organizations are independent–they run their own events and campaigns and they govern themselves but they nominate and elect AAI board members, attend our Annual General Meetings and more.
If you are looking for a local group to join, check out our affiliates. You can find them on the map or click a tab below the map to see all those on your continent. Please make contact with a suitable group near you—we think you will be made very welcome.
Unfortunately, in some parts of the world, atheist organizations risk being closed down and members arrested or attacked. Consequently, some affiliates allow us to publish partial information and some prefer to be omitted from our list altogether. We work for the day when atheists everywhere will be free to be open about their lack of god-belief.
If your local organization is not an AAI affiliate, please consider joining. You will gain the ability to influence AAI directly and there are useful benefits for your organization too. More information here.

Atheists In Kenya Society
President: Harrison Mumia
Email address: comms@
Country: Kenya
City: Nairobi
Online: www.atheistsinkenya.org

Atheist Society of Nigeria
President: Opadeyi Adebayo
Email address: info@
Country: Nigeria
City: Lagos and other cities
Online: www.atheist.org.ng/

Eagle’s View Primary School
Director: Muwanguzi Rogers
Email address: eaglesviewhumanistschool@
Country: Uganda
City: Buwenge
Online: https://eaglesviewprimaryschool.com/

Humanist Association for Leadership, Equity & Accountability
Contact person: Mr Kato Mukasa
Email address: haleauganda@
Country: Uganda
City: Kampala
Online: http://haleaug.org/

Humanist Association of Ghana
President: Michael Osei Assibey
Email address: hello@
Country: Ghana
City: Accra
Online: www.ghanahumanists.org

Humanists & Atheists of Zambia
President: Larry Tepa
Email address: Zambiaatheists@
Country: Zambia
City: Lusaka
Online: www.facebook.com/Humanistsandatheistsofzambia/

Humanist Association of Nigeria
President: Mubarak Bala
Email address: mubarakbala@
Country: Nigeria
City: Abuja
Online: https://humanists.org.ng/

Kasese Humanist Primary School
School Director: Bwambale Robert Musubaho
Email address: kasesehumanistschool@
Phone: +256 785195561
Country: Uganda
City: Kasese
Online: https://kasesehumanistschool.webs.com/

Kasitu Humanist Association
Chairperson: Masika Moreen
Email address: kasituhumanist@
Country: Uganda
City: Kasese

Kenya Humanist Alliance
President: Dans Onyango Odhiambo
Email address: dansodhiambo@
Phone: +254 794193000
Country: Kenya
City: Miwani
Online: www.kenyahumanistalliance.org

Malcolm Childrens’ Foundation
Managing Director: Susan Nambejja
Email address: snambejja@
Phone: +256 755415661
Country: Uganda
City: Kampala
Online: https://malcolmchildrensfoundation.wordpress.com

Ateist Dergi
Founder: Onur Romano
Email address: ateistdergi2013@
Country: Turkey
City: Istanbul
Online: https://ateistdergi.com/

Ateizm Dernegi
President: Selin Ozkohen
Email address: yonetim@
Country: Turkey
City: Istanbul
Online: https://www.ateizmdernegi.org.tr/

Atheist & Agnostic Alliance Pakistan
Co-founder: Syed A Gilani
Email address: info@
Country: Pakistan, Netherlands
Online: www.aaapakistan.org

Atheist Iran
President: Manouchehr Tizkhan
Email address: info@
Country: Iran, Netherlands
City: Hardenberg
Online: www.atheistiran.com

Contact: M. Verdi
Email address: info@atheistium.eu
Country: Netherlands
Online: www.atheistium.eu
Notes: Persian language

Bharatheeya Yukthivadi Sangham (BYS)
President: Dr P Raghavan
Email address: yuktirajyam@
Country: India
City: Kollam
Online: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK8TzAoapzkcY9thEyAmQUA

Burmese Atheists
Spokes-person: Hein
Email address: contact@
Country: Myanmar (Burma)
Online: http://burmeseatheists.org/

Council of Ex-Muslims of Singapore
Country: Singapore
Online: https://cemsg-org.business.site/

Council of Ex-Muslims of Sri Lanka
Spokesperson: Rishvin Ismath
Email address: cemsl.org@
Country: Sri Lanka
Online: www.cemsl.org

Ex Hindu Atheists
Email address: exhinduatheists@
Country: India
City: Kolkata
Online: https://youtube.com/channel/UCB6Cprf-LsRwYnX6jSupQHw

Ex-Muslims of India
Country: India
City: New Delhi
Online: www.exmuslims.in

Freethought Lebanon
Country: Lebanon
City: Beirut
Online: www.freethoughtlebanon.net

Humanist Alliance Philippines, International
Executive Director: Alvin John Ballares
Email address: ajballares@
Country: Philippines
City: Las Pinas City
Online: www.hapihumanist.org

Humanist Society of Singapore
Email address: secretary@
humanist.org.sg , info@
Country: Singapore
Online: https://humanist.org.sg/

Israeli Atheist Organization
CEO: Amir Schnabel
Email address: israeliatheistassociation@
Country: Israel
City: Tel Aviv
Online: https://www.facebook.com/IsraeliAtheistsAssociation

Editor in chief: Nur Nobi Dulal
Email address: nndulal@
Country: Bangladesh, Germany
City: Hamburg, Germany
Online: istishon.blog

Iranian Atheists and Agnostics
Contact: Ahura
Email address: Contact via Facebook page
Country: Iran
City: N/A
Online: www.facebook.com/Iran.Atheist.agnostic/

Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti
Executive President: Avinash Patil
Secretary (Jt): Dr. Sudesh Ghoderao
Email address: avinashpatilmans@
gmail.com and sudeshghoderao@
Country: India
City: Dhule and Nashik
Online: www.antisuperstition.org

Mumbai Metropolitan Rationalist Association
Project Manager: Sri Ram
Email address: mumbairationalists@
Country: India
City: Mumbai

Nada Foundation
Chairman: Nada Alahdal
Email address: info@
Country: Yemen, UK
City: Gateshead, UK
Online: https://nadafund.org/

Nastik Nation
Country: India
Region: Kerala
Online: http://nastiknation.org

Non Religious Citizens, India
President: Arif Hussain Theruvath
Email address: info@nrcindia.org
Country: India
Region: Kerala
Online: https://nrcindia.org/

Sapiens Foundation
Executive Director: Mr. Anoop Radhakrishnan
Email address: foundationsapiens@
Country: India
City: Mumbai
Online: www.facebook.com/groups/sapiensfoundation

Warung Atheist
Country: Malaysia
City: Kuala Lumpur
Online: https://www.facebook.com/groups/warong.atheist

Country: Iran
City: Tehran
Email address: wisehuman.info@
Online: http://wisehuman.info

Women Chapter
Founder Editor & Spokesperson: Supriti Dhar
Email address: supriti.dhar.wc@
Country: Bangladesh, Sweden
City: N/A
Online: https://womenchapter.com/

Atheist Foundation of Australia
President: Andrew Skegg
Email address: president@
Country: Australia
City: Parramatta, Sydney
Online: http://atheistfoundation.org.au/

Progressive Atheists
President: Andrew Rawlings
Email address: contact@
Country: Australia
City: Australia-wide
Online: progressiveatheists.org/

Rationalist Society of Australia Inc.
President: Meredith Doig
Email address: president@
Country: Australia
Address: PO Box 1312, Melbourne
Online: www.rationalist.com.au/

Secular Party of Australia
President: John Perkins
Email address: jperkins@
Country: Australia
Address: PO Box 6004, Melbourne 3004
Online: www.secular.org.au

Sydney Atheists Incorporated
President: Steve Marton
Email address: sydneyatheistscontact@
Country: Australia
Address: c/- 41 Narrabeen Park Pde Warriewood NSW Australia 2102
Online: http://www.sydneyatheists.org/

Alliance of Former Muslims (Ireland)
Spokesperson: Kareem Muhssin
Email address: enquiries@
Country: Ireland
Online: https://allianceofformermuslims.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ex_Muslims_Irl

Apalhu, Associació per a l’humanisme
President: Manel Salido
Email address: apalhu.org@
Country: Spain
City: Ontinyent (València)
Online: www.apalhu.org

Arciatea APS
President: Mario Bolli
Email address: organizzazione@
Country: Italy
City: Milan
Online: www.arciatea.it/

Atheism UK
President: John Richards
Country: UK
City: London
Online: atheismuk.com
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa37v-1G873DmiNrimfPlaA

Atheisten Österreich
Chairman: Dustin Krinzer
Email address: kontakt@avoesterreich.at
Country: Austria
City: Stallhofen
Online: avoesterreich.at/

Atheist Union of Greece
President: Sily Koitsanou
Email address: contact@
Country: Greece
City: Athens
Online: http://union.atheia.gr/

Atheïstisch Verbond
Email address:
Country: Netherlands
City: Utrecht
Online: www.atheistischverbond.org

Humanistische Atheisten [Humanist Atheists]
President: Luka Takoa
Email address: humanistische.atheisten@
Country: Germany, Austria, Switzerland
City: Basel
Online: www.humanistische-atheisten.org/

Humanist Union of Greece
Contact: Panayote Dimitras
Email address: panayotedimitras@
Country: Greece
Address: P.O. Box 60820, GR-15304 Glyka Nera, Greece
Online: facebook.com/humanistuniongreece

Internationaler Bund der Konfessionslosen und Atheisten e.V.
Chairman: Rene Hartmann
Email address: info@
Country: Germany
City: Overath
Online: www.ibka.org

Kazimierz Lyszczynski Foundation
Vice President: Nina Sankari
Email address: nina.sankari@
Country: Poland
City: Warsaw
Online: www.Lyszczynski.com.pl

President: M. Verdi
Email address: info@
Country: Iran
Online: www.naabavar.com
Notes: Persian language.

Säkulare Flüchtlingshilfe Deutschland e.V. (Atheist Refugee Relief)
Email address: info@
Country: Germany
City: Cologne
Online: https://atheist-refugees.com

Zentralrat der Ex-Muslime e. V.
CEO: Mina Ahadi
Email address: exmuslime@
Country: Germany
City: Cologne
Online: www.exmuslime.com

Ateizm Dernegi International Foundation
President: Onur Romano
City: Victoria, Canada
Online: www.atheistrefugeesturkey.com

Atheists for Liberty
President: Thomas Sheedy
Email address: info@
Country: USA
City: New York
Online: www.atheistsforliberty.org/

Minnesota Atheists
Associate Chair: August Berkshire
Email address: info@
Country: USA
City: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Online: https://mnatheists.org/

Rocky Mountain Atheists
President: Ralph Mousseau
Email address: info@
Country: Canada
City: Calgary, Alberta
Online: www.atheistcalgary.com

Libres penseurs athées
[Atheist Freethinkers]
President: David Rand
Email address: admin@
Country: Canada
City: Montréal
Online: www.atheologie.ca or www.atheology.ca

Canadian atheists
President: Randolf Richardson
Email address: info@
Country: Canada
City: Canada-wide. Head Office in Richmond, BC
Online: www.canadianatheists.ca/

Centre for Inquiry Canada
President: Seanna Watson
Contact: swatson@
Country: Canada
City: Ottawa
Online: www.centreforinquiry.ca

Humanist Association of San Diego
President: Jason Frye
Contact: humanistsd@
Country: USA
City: San Diego

Secular Community of SW Florida, Inc
Representative to AAI: Howard Goldson
Email address: hwgoldson@
Country: USA
Address: 11 Belcher Dr. Punta Gorda, Fl. 33950

Secular Policy Institute
CEO: Jason Frye
Email address: jason@
Country: USA
Address: 401 Ninth Street, NW, Suite 640, Washington, DC 20004
Online: https://secularpolicyinstitute.net/

The Small Town Humanist
Organizer: Jason Sager
Email address:
Country: USA
Online: https://smalltownhumanist.org/

Asociación de Ateos de Bogotá.
Spokesperson: Diego Alejandro Vargas Aguilar
Email address: asociacionateosbogota@
Phone: +573138228484
Country: Colombia
City: Bogotá
Online: www.asociaciondeateosdebogota.com

Asociación Peruana De Ateos-aperat
President: Henry Helbert Llanos Chilet
Email address: henry.llanos@
Phone: +51997230431
Country: Peru
City: Lima
Online: www.aperat.org

Ateísmo Brillante
President: Ernesto Nava
Email address: ateismobrillante@
Phone: +816-642-7551
Country: Mexico
City: Mazatlán
Online: www.facebook.com/ateismobrillante

Corporación Bogotana para el Avance de la Razón y el Laicismo – Bogotá Atea
President: Ferney Rodríguez Vargas
Email address: bogota@
Phone: +57 3214571038
Country: Colombia
City: Bogotá
Online: https://bogota.ateos.co/

Haitian FREE Thinkers
Founder: Reginald Bien-Aime
Email address: haitianfreethinkers@
Phone: 6788209474
Country: Haiti
City: Port-au-Prince
Online: https://www.facebook.com/HaitianFreeThinkers

Humanistas Guatemala
President: David Pineda
Email address: dpineda@
Phone: +502 5525 2195
Country: Guatemala
City: Guatemala City
Online: www.humanistasguatemala.org/
WhatsApp: David Pineda +502 5525 2195

Portal Do Ateísmo
Presidente: Jerbialdo
Email address: jerbialdo@
Phone: +557 7991 298153
Country: Brasil
City: Bahia
Online: https://portal-ateismo.blogspot.com

Sociedad Humanista Etica Argentina “Deodoro Roca”
Director: Hugo Estrella Tampieri
Email address: libertariostar@
Phone: +5692616736555
Country: Argentina
City: Mendoza
Online: www.librepensamiento.net

Soy Ateo Y Qué
CEO & Founder: Humberto Sánchez
Email address: escepticospodcast@
Phone: +52 5523388503
Country: Mexico
City: Mexico City
Online: https://www.facebook.com/soyateo.yque.oficial

Free Thinkers Forum
Country: Vietnam-based
City: Hanoi
Online: https://freethinkersforum.net/

Mindful Skeptics Podcast
Podcast Host: Boyce Littlefield
Email address: mindfulskeptics@
Phone: +1 (269) 252-3930
Country: USA-based
Online: http://mindfulskeptics.libsyn.com