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1/8 PAGE (approx. business card size)
US$46 for one time
US$36 for each time if run 2 times (total: $72)
US$30 for each time if run 3 times (total: $90)
US$28 for each time if run 4 times (total: $112)
Center page / inside cover not available

1/4 PAGE (approx. 3 1/2″ wide x 4 5/8″ high)
US$66 for one time
US$60 for each time if run 2 times (total: $120)
US$54 for each time if run 3 times (total: $162)
US$52 for each time if run 4 times (total: $208)
Center page / inside cover not available

1/3 PAGE (approx. 7 1/4″ wide x 3 1/8″ high OR 2 1/4″ wide x 9 1/2″ high)
US$90 for one time
US$82 for each time if run 2 times (total: $164)
US$74 for each time if run 3 times (total: $222)
US$68 for each time if run 4 times (total: $272)
Center page / inside cover not available

1/2 PAGE (approx. 7 1/4″ wide x 4 5/8″ high OR 3 1/2″ wide x 9 1/2″ high)
US$120 for one time
US$112 for each time if run 2 times (total: $224)
US$106 for each time if run 3 times (total: $318)
US$ 96 for each time if run 4 times (total: $284)
Center page / inside cover not available

FULL PAGE (approx. 7 1/4″ wide x 9 1/2″ high)
US$210 for one time
US$196 for each time if run 2 times (total: $392)
US$180 for each time if run 3 times (total: $540)
US$166 for each time if run 4 times (total: $664)
Additional 25% for center page or inside cover
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