
Nika Shakarami: The Unveiling of a Tragedy

In September 2022, a young voice spoke out against Iran’s rulers. Nika Shakarami, just 16, walked the streets dreaming of freedom. Her story, filled with defiance and suffering, inspires a natio...

The Ongoing Battle for Women’s Rights: A Chronicle of Resistance Against Mandatory Hijab in Iran

Since March 8, 1979, Iran has been a battleground against the enforced wearing of the hijab. However, the recent uprising sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini in opposition to mandatory hijab laws sign...

Unveiling Injustice and Repression in the Islamic Republic: The Case of Armita

Armita Geravand, born on April 2, 2006, and tragically passing away on October 28, 2023, was an Iranian girl who found herself hospitalized on October 1, 2023, following an incident within the Tehran ...

Narges Mohammadi: Anti-hijab activist in Iran is now a Nobel laureate

A courageous Iranian activist Narges Mohammadi has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2023 for her relentless efforts in championing the cause of freedom and women’s rights in Iran....

The Tragedy of Innocent Young Lives Lost in the Iranian Revolution Protests

During this transformative and profound time, the world witnessed a powerful and ongoing movement in Iran—the protests of the Iranian Revolution. These incidents left me completely shocked and with an...

Iran: More executions, more protests in Iran, UK and everywhere. Silence is inhuman, unethical and self-defeating

Submitted by Maryam Namazie. For more information, please contact her at: On 7 January, Iran executed another two young men on charges of ‘spreading corruption on earth’...

Iranian Teens Arrested for Gathering and Wearing an ‘Unsuitable Hijab’

Following the public release of a video showing a playful gathering of young people on one of Shiraz’s main streets, the city’s governor declared that ten persons had been detained in conn...

‘Improper’ Hijab on Statue Sparks Upset

According to reports, the statue, which was recently put in one of Gorgan’s streets in Iran, has been removed for some repairs and will be reinstalled with some adjustments soon. Some defenders ...

Horrific death shocks the world & reignites the debate over violence against women

Mona Heydari, an Iranian girl, was brutally murdered in early February, shocking the world. After beheading his 17-year-old wife, Sajjad Heydari displayed her severed head through the streets of Ahvaz...

Music, Islam & Iran

Since Muhammad’s death in the seventh century CE, when his companions strove to keep men’s minds away from forbidden pleasures, the permissibility of music has been a point of contention i...

Iranian Adulterers Sentenced to Death

The Supreme Court of Iran has affirmed the decision of Branch 11 of the Tehran Criminal Court, which found a married man and woman guilty of “adultery” and condemned them to death. Last ye...

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