Available below in: العربية / Bahasa (Indonesian & Melayu) / বাংলা / Français / فارسی / Türkçe / اردو Recently, AAI’s Atheist Support Network has received a number of requests from people in Isla...
If you ask people why they believe in God, most will give you a reason derived from logic (however, tortured and broken it may be) but a sizable minority, ignore logic and rely entirely on their feeli...
Part 3: The Apprentice AAI’s work in Uganda and their billboard campaign in Guatemala, inspired me to think about how critical thinking skills could be promoted in my home country, India. These campai...
Atheists, if you aim to help believers reconsider and, perhaps, revise their unwarranted beliefs, there are some things you should be aware of. Insulting believers will not make them realize they are ...
Every effect we have observed in nature has a cause. We have extrapolated from that incomplete data set the idea that it’s reasonable to assume that EVERY effect must have a cause and we’ve named this...
Combatting India’s godmen Part I: The Program Almost 1 in 5 of the people on the planet live in India. India is a land one third the size of the USA but with almost four and a half times more pe...
I regularly jog past a Planned Parenthood center on my running route. Unless it’s raining (I guess “baby killing” is ok on rainy days) there is always a handful of protesters out-front, typicall...
Jordan is a small landlocked country lying along the eastern border of Israel. Sometimes it is referred to as the “East Bank,” while Israel is known as the “West Bank.” Since its independence from the...
Across the globe and across time, humans have loved and worshipped thousands of gods. But, if one god was real and all the rest fake, we would know. Consider three possible benefits of believing in a ...
Now there is a simple (and no cost) way to raise funds for AAI, so long as you live in the USA. Just sign up for Amazon Smile and every time you shop on Amazon, we get 0.5% of the value of your qualif...
Here’s a test for those pastors who claim they can work miracles through God; take them to a hospital to pray for 30 patients. Ten patients have aortic valve failure and need replacement heart v...
Fishers of humanity
Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. ~ Matthew 4:19 If you’re an avid fisherman, you understand the importance of two things: If you want to catch them, you have to have the right lure, tech...