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Secular World

Secular World Magazine – Q3 2016

Secular World Magazine – Q3 2016

In this edition we talk about:

  • Atheism in Georgia & AAI’s Future – Here’s an FAQ on Atheist Alliance International by the President Onur Romano, our work in Georgia and what you can expect in the upcoming months
  • Let Them Eat Cake – Just Kidding! Let Them Starve – The blogger ‘Godless Mama” shares her rant on the philosophical irony of a God that allows suffering to exist, even in little children, and how ignorant theists try to justify it.
  • Dear Christian: I Had To Respond To This Condescending Letter To An Atheist – There’s a very condescending viral letter written to atheists, which not only deals with amateur attempts to connect morality with God, but also implies atheists are missing a great deal of experience in life by their life choices.
  • The Functioning of a Dysfunctional Irish Law –Atheist Ireland pushes for Pastafarianism, the only TRUE religion by using their legal rights to gain a special privilege in society, just like all other religions do.
  • ‘One-Night Stand Ex-Muslim’ Calls for Authentic Religious Pluralism, not ‘Toxic-Corporatist Diversity’ – A complex satire takes on religious fallacy and superstitious beliefs.


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