
Christianity’s dirty secret

Even before children begin school, parents involve their children in religious rituals and teach them religious stories. As they grow up, children are told how important it is to BELIEVE these stories...

Atheist World Introduction

Throughout history atheists have faced varying levels of discrimination. Today, despite the existence of numerous international human rights instruments protecting the right to be an atheist, the fact...

Walking with a believer

Let’s take a walk together this evening. Let us be friends who seek nothing more than to believe things that are true, and not believe things that are false. This evening as we walk we are talki...

This is no test

Christians say life on Earth is just a test to see who is fit for heaven. The death of a child is just a test; an earthquake is a test. Cancer, birth defects, tsunamis, volcanoes, tornadoes, malaria a...

Can atheists be moral?

Many theists believe it is clear-cut. Humans can only have opinions about morality, and no one’s opinion is any more valid than anyone else’s. This leads them to the conclusion that an objective sourc...

Is atheism a religion?

‘Theism’ means ‘belief in a god or gods’. Believers usually sign up to the values and principles of a godly belief system: it’s an ideology. Theistic ideologies are commonly known as faiths or religio...

Famous atheists

There have been atheists throughout history. Here are a few who became famous. Given the times in which they lived, some on this list might not have called themselves atheists, but all expressed at le...

Put up or shut up

In 1687, Isaac Newton published his book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (in English, “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy”). In this ground-breaking book, he propose...

What is atheism?

Atheism is very simple, yet widely misunderstood. The word atheism comprises the word theism with the prefix ‘a’. So let’s break it down. Theism is the belief in a god or gods. The prefix ‘a’ means; ‘...

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